How to Prepare for a Long-Distance Move
There’s no need to emphasize that relocating can be pretty stressful, especially if there’s a solid distance that needs to be crossed. Now, there’s no reason to jump into panic mode. If you do some crucial preparation tasks, you’ll move smoother than you’d ever imagine. None of them involve any magic or something similar. Are you wondering what’s there to be done to ensure a stress-free relocation? If so, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll show you how to prepare for a long-distance move in the article below.
Take a deep breath
Before you start doing anything, try to relax. A messy mind cannot go through the process without any stress involved. Try to find your inner peace by telling yourself there’s work to be done and that you have just enough time to do everything necessary. As we said in the introduction, there’s no room for panic. Even though it seems impossible, a stress-free relocation is more than doable. Let’s check out how!
Introducing: pen & paper
First things first, if you want to prepare for a long-distance move, obtain a pen and paper. If you find that’s kind of retro, open up a new spreadsheet in Excel. Whatever you choose – it’s not important. What’s important is that you make a list of all the belongings you’re planning to move across the country. In other words: you’ll need to make an inventory. You might want to write down the approximate weight of your cargo. If you’re going to hire pro movers to help you relocate, you’ll need to provide them with that info. More about that you’ll find below. Now let’s see if there’s a way to reduce the weight of your cargo.
Are there any items in your home you no longer find attractive enough o bring to your new place? If so, it might be time to see if you can do something about that. Time before the relocation is an excellent period for downsizing. You have a fantastic chance to get rid of everything that’s using up some much-needed space in your home. How? You can try organizing a good old garage sale. If that doesn’t work out, you can always donate what you don’t sell. Lastly, you have the dump at your disposal.
Hiring professionals?
So, you say this will be a long-distance relocation? In that case, you should hire professionals to handle the task. Of course, nothing is stopping you from going DIY, but you’ll lose a couple (or more) nerves by organizing the whole thing alone. Imagine something happens to your stuff along the way, and there’s no one to cover the damage. By hiring pros, you’re ensured the whole ordeal will go smoothly. If anything happens to your stuff, the moving company must take care of the costs. And you know what? There aren’t good companies out there that like to lose money.
How much is that going to cost?
It depends on what you’re moving (your cargo) and the road that needs to be crossed (the distance). You must do your research. Moving rates can differ significantly, and the best way to know how much it will cost is to get quotations from at least three moving companies. As we’ve already mentioned, they’ll most certainly ask you how much your moving load weighs. You’ll need those numbers!
Obtain packing materials
Most moving companies offer packing services. Now, that doesn’t mean you’ll also want to spend money on them. If you choose not to pay for professional packing services, no biggie. DIY packing is pretty doable. Firstly, you’ll need to obtain suitable packing materials. You can find free cardboard boxes in stores around your neighborhood. Ask your local shopkeepers to save you some. Other materials like bubble wrap or packing peanuts, you’ll most probably find for a low price somewhere online.
Start packing on time
Don’t start packing a week before the moving day – for your own sake. You’ll only make things worse for yourself. Firstly pack all the things that are not necessary items in your home. Also, those will be the first boxes that go into the trucks. Necessities go in last, as the folks from Best Long Distance Movers recommend. Anyway, never do anything at the last minute, especially – packing.

Say goodbye to the old neighborhood
Last but not least, you’ll need to say goodbye to the old neighborhood. Is there a better way to do it than to organize a backyard party? We couldn’t think of anything else. There’s a good reason for that – everyone likes backyard barbecues and margaritas! If you have kids, this will be an excellent lesson for them, since they’ll have the chance to see the value of friendship. Encourage them to invite their friends and stay in touch with them once you relocate. The young ones will surely enjoy your little fiesta!
Final words
These were some tips on how to prepare for a long-distance move. By doing everything we’ve mentioned above, you’ll guarantee yourself a stress-free relocation. Let’s do a quick recap. Firstly, you’ll want to take a deep breath and relax. There’s a big job ahead of you, but there’s no need to panic. If you start on time, you’ll be just fine. Get everything down on paper, make an inventory of the belongings you’re planning to move. Also, think about whether you want to hire professionals to handle the task. In the case of a long-distance move, it’s highly recommended you do. Start packing on time if you’re not letting movers take care of that. Last but not least, organize a farewell party for your friends, relatives, and neighbors!